Safer Internet Day 2020 February 11th 

Find all the information and support parents/guardians need to ensure children make most of their time online. Get started by downloading the parent’s guide here. 


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5th and 6th Classes created and presented Safer Internet Safety Presentation to Junior Infants, Senior Infants, 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Classes.







Scroll down for photos

Garda Eddie Crockett visited 3rd and 4th Classes on January 28th to talk about Internet Safety.  Garda Eddie and Garda James McCarthy called back on February 13th to talk to 5th and 6th Classes about Internet Safety. 


Some of the Internet Safety posters and colouring more can be seen on school corridors.  


Becky’s Story


Stay Safe Online

Here is a link to Webwise Parents Hub and Guides for Parents.


The Granny Rule

Safer Internet Day 2020  is on February 11th, 2020




You’ve been framed, will help the students to reflect on their photo sharing practices. They will examine the characteristics of digital photographs; focusing on what makes them different from traditional photographs.

I Like It” is an anti-cyber bullying rap performed by the GMCBeats Youth Crew to celebrate Safer Internet Day 2015.

Music & lyrics written, produced & recorded at GMCBeats Rap Workshops (run by Garry McCarthy in Knocknaheeny, Cork City.
Rappers: Adam, Nice, Julia & Cathal.
Video by Damien Murphy / Limbo Media –

Vicky’s Party addresses the topic of Cyber Bullying, exclusion as a form of bullying and gives pupils a chance to empathise with those affected by it. It will also motivate them to act responsibly and intervene in a positive and safe way.

The Match

Useful Links: 

Dealing with Cyberbullying

Screen Time Advice for Parents

What is KiK?